
Showing posts from September, 2017


Timberlake is an English surname that derived from a habitational name meaning "timber lake" or "wood lake" from Old English elements timber (timber, wood) and lacu (lake, stream). Origin: Old English Pinterest Variants : Tymberlake 


Lake is an English surname, originally derived as a topographic name for someone who lived bear a lake or a stream. The name derives from Old English lacu and ultimately from Proto-Indo-European  *leǵ- (to leak, drain).  Origin: Proto-Indo-European Pinterest


Pinterest Holmes is an English surname with several possible origins: it be be derived from Old English holegn meaning "holly", referring to someone who lived near  some holly trees, though it may also likely refer to the holly oak; it may also come from Middle English holm meaning "island", derived from Old Norse holmr (island); I've also seen it listed as possibly being derived form haugum, derived from Old Norse haugr meaning "high hill, mound"; it may also be an anglicized form of Gaelic surname  Mac Thomáis, meaning "son of Thom" Origin: Old English, Old Norse, Gaelic  Variants : Holme  Hulme  Holms 


Pinterest Whitaker is an English surname deriving from a place name made of up of Old English elements hwit (white) and   æcer (cultivated land, field), meaning "white field" though spelled  Whiteacre it means "wheat field", the first part derived from Old English  hwǣte (wheat). Origin: Old English Variants : Whittaker  Whitacre  Whittakers  Whiteacre  Witacre